Making Love Today

Bonus: The Man's Space - Be A Man! Men Don't Need Emotions, Right? Right???

May 16, 2020

Introducing, The Man's Space: a new recurring bonus series specifically geared toward what it means to be a man in a modern relationship. 

Society in general, and pop culture in particular, does not look kindly on the relationship skills of most men. For every positive husband and father figure depicted on TV for in movies, there are at least a dozen Homer Simpsons and Fred Flintstones. Is that how most men really are in relationships? Oafish and clumsy at best, and emotionally detached and uncaring at worst? In this series we hear from Dr. Matt Brown, a marriage and family therapist who specializes in helping men understand their critical role in relationships and allowing them to live emotionally open and healthy lives. 

In this episode Matt and Anne take a close look at modern masculinity and how it's changed over time, and what women often don't understand about their male partners!