Making Love Today

Bonus: Love in the Time of Corona - Can gratitude change your life?

May 23, 2020 Rekindle

"Say thank you!" It's a phrase all parents tell their children countless times. It's been ingrained in all of us that saying thank you is a necessary part of being a good person. However, if our outward displays of gratitude never extend beyond repeating two culturally ingrained words, is it actually doing us any good? Does it matter if I'm actually grateful when I say I am, or is it fine if I'm just good at faking it? Who really ends up being benefited most from genuine acts of gratitude: the giver or the receiver? Shouldn't my partner just know that I'm grateful? Why do I actually have to say that I am?

In this episode, Anne and fellow therapist Rebecka Parker tackle these questions and more as they discuss how we unleash the power of gratitude in enhancing both our relationships, but also our own individual wellbeing. It turns out that the benefits of gratitude go far beyond what you might expect. It can influence our mental, emotional, and physical health as well as improving just about every aspect of our relationship. Perhaps more than just about anything else, gratitude properly applied has the power to change lives for the better, starting with your own.