Making Love Today

Episode 10: Melissa and Robert - Interracial Relationship in America

June 08, 2020

Melissa and Robert in many ways come from extreme opposite backgrounds. Melissa is white, Robert is Black. Melissa comes from an upper-middle-class upbringing in the suburbs, Robert comes from a poor upbringing in the city. Melissa's family members are Republican, Robert's family members are Democrats. When they first met, Melissa was an accountant with multiple college degrees, Robert was a high school graduate. Despite their differences, and often because of their differences, Melissa and Robert have built a beautiful and unified family together, with their two young children.

Melissa and Robert first met at church in Colorado. Robert was smitten! Melissa was not. But despite a bumpy beginning, Melissa finally came around and the two of them have been inseparable ever since! In this episode, they discuss the challenges of creating a relationship out of such different backgrounds. They tackle such challenging issues as racial heritage, in-laws, and financial struggles. 

Biographical Info:
-Melissa is an accountant and Robert is a stay at home dad

-They have two children

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