Making Love Today

Episode 12: Andres and Phillip - Making Your Own Template

June 23, 2020 Rekindle

As an interracial gay couple living in an extremely conservative state, Andres and Phillip don't exactly fit the stereotypical mold of most of the married couples that they see around them. But instead of spending too much time just trying to blend in, these two are learning to embrace what makes their relationship uniquely special and being comfortable with who they are. It's not always easy living in a world where the templates for how a relationship is "supposed" to work doesn't necessarily apply to you, but Andres and Phillip are working to build their own unique happiness. 

While both originally from Utah, Andres and Phillip first met through a dating app while both attending grad school in rural Oregon. What started as a seeming happy coincidence has grown into a happy marriage. Listen in as they discuss how their religious upbringing connects them, some of the often-overlooked challenges of being in a non-heterosexual relationship, as well as... Andres' Fuego? 

Biographical Info: 
-Phillip is a PR/Marketing Coordinator for a museum, and Andres is a Marriage and Family Therapist

-They have been together for going on five years

-Check out to learn more about this couple as well as to read their statement on Pride Month, and what Pride means to them as a couple. Follow us on Instagram or on Facebook at